Friday 21 November 2008

film; silence of the lambs

The Narrative structure is a continuous narrative structure, at the assault course, the girl gets called to her bosses office, he's not there she looks around and notices a board on the wall, and start to read the different newspaper clipping about serial killings, this shows that she is probably going to be the person assingned to the case
The Thriller Codes And Conventions that are used are Enigma codes, why is she sunning? where is she going? is she running from someone potentially dangerous?
The Exotic, she's a woman on a big case, also when she gets in the lift, there's a bunch of well built tall men in red , whilst she's slender shorter and is wearing grey
Mazes and labyrinthes are used in the biginning, when she's running through the forest.
The Camera work, at first you are looking down on her as she climbs up the hill with the rope, maybe this shows her struggle -as a woman- trying to make it, because men would probably not have as much trouble getting up the hill, but she manages to climb it and you are level with her as she starts running, then she's higher than you as she climbs the rope net, perhaps this shows she's raised herself above the most and is proving herself, then she climbs down and carries on running, a man comes running up and tells her to go see her boss, he is taller then her and she has to look up, perhaps to show he is higherranked than her, also when the guy turns around to watch her run off, the camera zooms into his hat on purpose to show he has white block capitals FBI on a black cap, to show you that they are at a training camp for the FBI, tere is also reverse angle editing, shows her face looking towards the board, also, it shows her facail expression, realisation, there is also use of pull focus, from her to her boss, to show that he is more important than her, and that he is the one she was meant to see.
the weather is bleak, also, the season is autmn- to give a dying feeling, starts with heroine, but you find out there is actually a villain,
costume- she's wearing a white/grey jumper, maybe because she's new to the FBI, so she's still innocent
Lighting- Quite grim to give autmn effect, early morning
Actors- FBI people, either training on the training grounds or tinkering with guns in a room- herself- the guy with the cap and differeny members of staff in the office, also the boss.
Make up- she's not wearing any make up (not glamorous) because she's been training, bu is quite sweaty aswell
Props- training equipment, rope netting that dshe slimbs over etc different offices, thers FBI things, E.g. guns, tables, agents.
In the beginning when she's running through the forest, she's alone, and you can hear crickets to prove it, there are also birds, and a eagle, your far from civilisation, and here's an eagle to prove it... theres crunching of leaves as she runs through the forest, shows autmn
when she enters the office, there is use of office sounds to show a hetic ran office, that is being kept under control. the music has a running tempo, and it builds up, orchestral music to show the seriousness of the film, it goes silent whilst she's in the office, but then it comes ack quietly when she notices the board.
the editing used was continuity editing, slow paced editing and reverse angle editing
the graphics used are black block capitals with a white outine so that it stands out against the background, the credits are also centered.

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