Friday 21 November 2008


1. Do you watch many thriller films?
#Yes #No

2. What is your favourite thriller film?, why?

3. What things do you like to see in a thriller film?
#Violence #Blood #Shock moments
#Chases #Suspense

4. On a scale of 1 to 5, how gory do you like thriller films to be?
1 2 3 4 5
not very average very

5. Which film certificate do you feel makes the best thriller film?
#15 #18

6.Do you prefer to be kept asking questions throughout the film and find out in the end, or know the answers early? why

7.Do you prefer a male of female "hero"? Explain your answer

8.would seeing disturbing graphic images in the film make you not want to watch it?
#Yes #No

9.Do you prefer the opening credits to be a collection of images or one continuos scene? why?

10.which title do you think would best suit a thriller film?
#53 #lock down #2 in 1

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