Tuesday 25 November 2008

Treatment For Reflection

Reflection will be an unusual adult thriller following the murders of young girls and women
Reflection is a film Following the Serial killings of a unstable minded man being persued by a detective, but the plot suddenly turns as we discover heis a sufferer of multiple personality disorder.

Plot Outline
It starts with the dectective at his computer, following the murdering spree of a deranged man as he continues kipnapping, torturing and murdering girls, he stops to look at his news clippings board with photos on, he acts normally, continuing on with his busy day
the detective has uncovered new evidence towards finding the killers identity, but the killings don't stop or reduce in number, and the detective is baffled by this
The killer is uncovered as the detective's other personality, (as a sufferer of multiple personality disorder, he doesn't know whst happens when he's in the other personality), the two personalities fight in the detective's mind, the evil personality manages to defeat the good personality and kills him, but kills himself in the process since they are the same person, other detectives have a case on their hands, was it murder, or suicide???

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